PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ballari was started in the year 1986. The Vidyalaya has Classes from I to XII with an enrolment of 771 having Science.
The Vidyalaya is encomapssed in a lush green campus of 10 acres and has Classes from I to XII with an enrolment of 771 with Science Streams . Presently we have 2 sections in classes I to X and 1 sections from class XI and XII.
The Vidyalaya has maintained high academic standards with 100% results in the 2023 CBSE Class XII Examination and 100% in 2023 CBSE Class X Examination.
This KV provides opportunities to its students to participate in a variety of activities. The Vidyalaya participates in Games, Sports and other activities organized locally and also at Inter KV level by the KVS. The activities include Mathematics Olympiad, Green Olympiad, National Level Essay and Painting Competitions, Youth Parliament, Adventure Activities, Educational Tours, Exhibitions, Scouting etc.
The Vidyalaya provides modern education using the latest Educational Technology with Computers, LCD projectors and Interactive Panels with Internet facility to prepare students for life in the 21st century.
Every teacher in the school is tech savvy trained to use modern Technological aids like the Computer and Internet. Teachers facilitate the students in many technology aided projects and help them to acquire 21st century skills.